Effective Public Communication

Effective Public Communication 


Effective Public Communication is a subject to teach student how to communicate with other people effectively neither in verbal communication or non-verbal communication. This subject contain two assignment which are photo blog and oral presentation. After complete this module, I learn several things.

The first thing I had learnt is communication skills. By obtain studying this module, it enables me to communication with other people or presenting my opinion better than before. I know how to control my voice, show my confident and sincerity in a conversation.

Next, I learn discipline specific knowledgeDuring lecture, the type of communication, channel to communicate, our body language , conflict and negotiation, stereotyping and so on were taught. I had understand and practice most of these knowledge.

Moreover, the lifelong learning is developed in me by this module. The communication skills and knowledge that I learn from this subject can be used in my daily life. This is because I need to communicate with people everyday no matter my lecturer, classmates or my friends and family. These knowledge can let me to express my opinion or information effectively.   

Please the following links to view the assignments :

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