English 2

English 2 is the advanced subject for English 1. There are 3 class assignments and 1 research assignment for this subjects. These 4 assignment cover the knowledge of essay and report writing skills, APA referencing skills, communication skills, fallacies and so on.

Class Assignment 1

This assignment is to write a descriptive essay. We are required to observe a tool and write an essay to describe about it. The tool that I choose is an eye pencil. It is a new experience for me this is my first time to take time to look at an eye pencil carefully. At first, I had struggled for some time as I am lack of experience in writing an descriptive essay. However, I recall back the lecture, and look through the brief again, I had some idea about it. I look at the eye pencil carefully and start the essay by describe the physical look of the tool. Then I continue describe the tool by using the senses like touch, smell and hear. At last, I am able to complete the assignment successfully.

The drawing of  the eye pencil 

Class Assignment 2

This assignment is also writing an essay but it is writing a compare and contrast essay. We need to compare or contrast 2 English Animated Films or Romantic Comedies. I had choose to compare the similarities between 2 animated films which are Lilo and Stitch and Ratatouille. I like this assignment because it provide me an opportunity to watch again this 2 movie and bring back me my childhood memories. Besides, improving my essay writing skills, this assignment also improve my APA referencing skills as I adapt some movie review inside my essay as evidence.     

Class Assignment 3

This class assignment is class debate. This assignment is the most assignment that I scare as I am lack of confident to speak in front of public. In addition, I get a dislike debate topic which is "Public University is More Suitable For Student Compare to Private University". I feel this topic is difficult as I myself support private university more than public university. However, at last I still try my best to prepare and complete the debate.

Assignment ( Research Assignment ) 

The title of the assignment is A Comparative Analysis of 2 Businesses of Similar Industry in Different Geographical Locations. My group decided to research about the confectionery industry in Penang and Klang Valley. We had interviewed Ming Xiang Tai Pastry Shop at Penang, TK Bakery and Cake Sense in Klang Valley. Next, we wrote a report about the analysis of the information that we gathered and last, we present about it.

The research report

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