INTRODUCTION TO THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY ( ICI ) is the subject to introduce student the what is the construction industry. The construction industry is a large industry. It involves difference types of professionals such as architect, quantity surveyor, contractor and engineers. It also interact with other industries like financing, equipment and so on. By ICI, students will not only get to know what actually the construction industry, they will also understand deeply about the organisation and role of the building team and the process and procedures of completing a construction project.

The assessment component of ICI are Project One, Project Two and a test. The Project One is to interview a building team member and then produce a documentary video and magazine base on the interview. While the Project Two is to produce a project brief about a small construction project and focus on the building plan approval, company profile and documentary about the role of a professional of the construction industry. 

After complete this module, students will obtain the knowledge about the construction industry. Moreover, they will improve their Taylor's Graduate Capabilities which are the Discipline Specific Knowledge, Lifelong Learning and Thinking And Problem Solving Skills. 

Project One
The title of ICI Project One is Introduction to Construction Industry : Building Team. The aim of the project is to enable us to understand the role of the building team like contractor, architect, quantity surveyor and developer. This project is divided into individual work and group work. We are required to form a unit and had interview with one of the building team member. Our unit is to interview a contractor. After complete this project I am able to practice the discipline specific knowledge and lifelong learning. I knew the role of  the contractor deeply. The knowledge that I gain from this project can be used for my career or even my entire life.


Individual work
The individual work for the project is to produce a magazine about the building team. The content or information of the magazine should take from the interview section.

Group work
The group work is to produce a video about the building team members of we had interviewed.  
Group Members : Hau Pei Wei ( leader )
                            Chew Ung Heng 
                            Wong Yun Shi
                            Lily Then
My tasks in this project are contact with the contractor, plan the story line of video with my group members and act in the video. 


Final Project 
The title of ICI Final Project is The Project brief. The project consist by 2 part, part I is the group work while the part II is the individual task. The objectives of the project is to introduce the scope of work handled by professionals and sub-professionals in the construction field. Next, it also enable students to understand the building team's organization, their duties and responsibilities. Besides the achieving the objectives of the project, I also strengthen my Taylor's Graduate Capabilities which are the lifelong learning and the thinking and problem solving skills. For instead, I understand more deeply about the procedure and process of completing a construction project especially the building plan approval process. I get to know more about the role of the local authorities. These will help to be more prepared to become the member of the building team in the future. On the other hand, there were some problem when I was doing this project like it is hard for me to obtain the information to complete my project like the company profile, the building plan approval process. Next, I cannot print just 2 name card at the shop as the minimum quantity to print the name card out is 100 pcs. At last I solved the problem by using the thinking and problem solving skills. I do a lot of research seeking advice from the lecturer and so on.

Group work
This part is to required the student to form a group and find a space in Taylor's University Lakeside Campus to have a small construction. Each group need to produce a project brief based on the construction project that they planned. 
My Group Members : Chia Sue Yi ( leader )
                                  Tan Kai Sin
                                  Wong Yun Shi
                                  Lily Then
My tasks for the group is to prepare a part of the project brief and discuss with my group members about the construction place and what construction project should we carry out.

Individual work
The individual part is to choose the role to represent in the project. I choose to become the contractor for the project. Then, prepare a company profile and the building and process on the role that I represent in the project.

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