English 1


English 1 is a the only language subject that I study during FNBE semester 1. It is all about the basic of English. It helps me to build a solid foundation in English. Throughout this module, I get to know how to write a compare and contrast essay, process essay essay, and also a cause and effect essay. Beside, way to analysis the graph, reading skill, listening skill and basic oral presentation skill also be taught during this module. These knowledge can be used for my everyday life especially in my career.

Assignment 1 :
This assignment 1 is to require student choose to write an essay from 3 question. I choose to write the cause and effect essay as i feel that this question is the most easiest question. This is the first time that I get to know there has some steps and format in writing essay. For example, to write an essay, you have to do the pre-writing to ensure you would miss all the point during writing the essay. A basic 5 paragraph essay should contain introduction, supporting paragraph and conclusion. Thesis statement, specific details, and topic sentence.... this kind of element of an essay is the new things I learnt. In addition, I also learnt the APA format to cited an essay. Further more, I also learnt the basic analytic skills for contemporary essays and reading texts.
Here is my essay :

Assignment 2 :
The assignment 2 is an oral presentation. We are required to form a group and each of us will present a topic about the selected artist. My group had selected Frank Llyod Wright and I choose to present the works of Frank Llyod Wright. Throughout this oral presentation, I had learnt the method to produce an effective oral presentation. There are certain things that need to consider when preparing an oral presentation which are voice projection, body language and the content of the presentation. A good speaker should has a loud and clear voice, he should be avoid some body language which can show his is nervous and the most important part is about the content. Speaker need to organize the content properly and make sure it is related to the topic. On the other hand, I also get to know how to identify and analysis the main point for the presentation. For example, There are many articles or information about Frank Llyod Wright, so I need to analysis what information can be used as my content.
Here is my group oral presentation video:

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