ENBE Project 1

The ENBE Project 1 is about representing natural. The objective of this project is to create awareness to the natural and explore the element of the natural environment. For the group task, we were required to produce a documentary video to recording our experience and understanding about the ecosystem. Besides, we also need to make a info graphic based on the information the we obtained from our site. While for individual component, we need to investigate and sketch a plant and a creature, record our 5 senses too and organize all the information on power point. I learnt a lot of things by doing this project. At first, I practice the thinking and problem solving skill. I learnt how to make an info graphic poster as I did not know how to make it before. Next, I learnt to investigate and record my 5 senses by using power point. Third is I learnt to appreciate the nature as human and nature has a strong relationship. Nature provide everything to us so we need to conserve and protect it.

Group Task
Group Name : Mexico
Group Members : Khor Seem Leng ( leader )
                            Peh Ker Neng
                            Lee Kok Wah
                            Teo Chong Yih
                            Tan Kai Sin
My task within this group are find information for the info graphic poster and decorate it with my group members. 

The Documentary Video   

The Info Graphic Poster      

Picture after presentation ( left out Lance)
After the presentation, I gain something new. First is to be calm and confident. Second is to have a well planning before presentation. We should have a planning before a presentation that including when is our turn to talk and what should we talk about. Anyway, it is a good experience for me.

Individual Component

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